St. Louis Association for Gifted Education (SAGE)
SAGE is a nonprofit organization whose primary focus is to provide information and support for parents, educators, students, psychologists, and others interested in developing the talents of high-potential children.
Sage is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization whose funding comes from conferences, memberships, grants and donations. |
Founded in 1978, SAGE merged with Friends of the Gifted in 1984 to form the largest volunteer agency in the St. Louis area dedicated to meeting the needs of the gifted child.
SAGE's Goals
• disseminate information to parents and interested persons concerning the gifted
• serve as a resource agency for parents and others interested in developing the abilities and talents of high-potential kids
• provide self-help and mutual support group for high-potential children, their parents and caregivers
• promote a climate in the community where achievement and excellence in children is recognized and valued
• inform members about political action and legislation that affect gifted children, their education, and their development.
• serve as a resource agency for parents and others interested in developing the abilities and talents of high-potential kids
• provide self-help and mutual support group for high-potential children, their parents and caregivers
• promote a climate in the community where achievement and excellence in children is recognized and valued
• inform members about political action and legislation that affect gifted children, their education, and their development.